Ju Catenacce

Wedding Bells in Scanno

A young bridal couple posing outside the chapel prior to Ju Catenacce
Piazza San Rocco, Scanno prior to Ju Catenacce
Piazza San Rocco, Scanno
young lady in traditional costume, Scanno
Young woman in traditional dress
Crowds line the streets waiting for Ju Catenacce to begin
Waiting for the wedding, with centre, San Rocco clock tower
Ju Catenacce procession in Scanno
Lu Catenacce. Photo: Archivio Sergio Paolo Sciullo della Rocca
Bridal couples in procession, posing for photos.
Posing for photos and a shower of rice
bridal headwear during Lu Catenacce in Scanno
Traditional headwear
Dancing a quadrilglia in Piazza San Rocco, after the Scanno wedding.
Wedding dance


As a Scot married to an Abruzzese, I spend my summers, and the occasional winter, in this beautiful region. This is Abruzzo as I experience it. Please join me on my travels!

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