An Evening on the Trabocchi Coast
Fruit always tastes better when it’s stolen. I don’t know who said that but I know of no reason to doubt it. Which is why I find myself ducking under the fruit-laden boughs of a fig tree on a warm evening in late summer. Forbidden Fruit The figs are the ‘white’ variety as opposed to the plump ‘black’ or wine-coloured fruit of late season. Their skins, though, are green. They are also small and hard, a consequence, perhaps, of the recent drought. But when we peel back the skin the creamy fruit inside is pulpy and sweet. And very sticky. Luckily there is a tap nearby where we rinse...
How wonderful! Such a beautiful place for a wedding and a baptism.
Thanks for writing. I hope you enjoyed your time there.
I really appreciate your comments and I hope your plans work out. A great place for a family home!
Thank for A Tale of Two Silvi. I was born the middle of Silvi Paese in the late 50's emigrating…
I was born in Silvi Marina but do t get back as often as I would like. I am going…